Source code for distex.pool

"""Execute tasks in a pool of local or remote worker processes."""

import asyncio
import concurrent.futures
import logging
import os
import sys
import traceback
from collections import deque
from contextlib import suppress
from enum import IntEnum
from typing import Iterable, Optional

from . import util
from .serializer import ClientSerializer, PickleType
from .slotpool import SlotPool
from .worker import Worker

class LoopType(IntEnum):
    default = 0
    asyncio = 1
    uvloop = 2
    proactor = 3
    quamash = 4

[docs]class Pool: """ Pool of local and remote workers that can run tasks. To create a process pool of 4 local workers: .. code-block:: python pool = Pool(4) To create 8 remote workers on host ``maxi``, using SSH (unix only): .. code-block:: python pool = Pool(0, 'ssh://maxi/8') ``distex`` must be installed on all remote hosts and the ``distex_proc`` script must be in the path. Test this with ``ssh <host> distex_proc``. When using SSH it is not necessary to have a distex server running on the hosts. When not using SSH a spawning server has to be started first on all hosts involved: .. code-block:: python python3 -m distex.server .. warning:: Only use this in a trusted network environment. With the server running on host ``mini``, to create a pool of 2 workers running there: .. code-block:: python pool = Pool(0, 'mini/2') Local, remote SSH and remote non-SSH workers can all be combined in one pool: .. code-block:: python pool = Pool(4, ['ssh://maxi/8', 'mini/2']) To give a SSH username or a non-default port such as 10022, specify the host as ``'ssh://username@maxi:10022/8'``. It is not possible to give a password, use SSH keys instead: ssh-keygen_ can be used to create a key and ssh-copy-id_ to copy it to all hosts. """ TimeoutError = concurrent.futures.TimeoutError def __init__( self, num_workers: int = 0, hosts=None, qsize: int = 2, initializer=None, initargs: tuple = (), localhost: str = '', localport: int = 0, lazy_create: bool = False, worker_loop: int = LoopType.default, func_pickle: int = PickleType.dill, data_pickle: int = PickleType.pickle): """ Args: num_workers: Number of local process workers. The default of 0 will use the number of CPUs. hosts: List of remote host specification strings in the format ``[ssh://][username@]hostname[:portnumber]/num_workers``. qsize: Number of pending tasks per worker. To improve the throughput of small tasks this can be increased from the default of 2. If no queueing is desired then it can be set to 1. initializer: Callable to initialize worker processes. initargs: Arguments tuple that is unpacked into the initializer. localhost: Local TCP server (if any) will listen on this address. localport: Local TCP server (if any) will listen on this port (default: random open port). lazy_create: If True then no workers will be created until the first task is submitted. worker_loop: ``LoopType`` to use for workers: 0. default (=uvloop when available, proactor on Windows) 1. asyncio (standard selector event loop) 2. uvloop (Unix only) 3. proactor (Windows only) 4. quamash (PyQt) func_pickle: ``PickleType`` to to use for serializing functions: 0. pickle 1. cloudpickle 2. dill data_pickle: ``PickleType`` to to use for data: 0. pickle 1. cloudpickle 2. dill ``distex.Pool`` implements the ``concurrent.futures.Executor`` interface and can be used in the place of ProcessPoolExecutor. .. _ssh-keygen: .. _ssh-copy-id: """ self._num_workers = num_workers or os.cpu_count() or 1 self._hosts = [hosts] if type(hosts) is str else hosts if hosts else [] self._qsize = qsize self._initializer = initializer self._initargs = initargs self._localhost = localhost self._localport = localport self._loop = asyncio.get_event_loop_policy().get_event_loop() self._worker_loop = int(worker_loop) self._func_pickle = int(func_pickle) self._data_pickle = int(data_pickle) if self._num_workers < 0: raise ValueError('num_workers must be >= 0') if self._qsize < 1: raise ValueError('qsize must be >= 1') self.ready = asyncio.Event() self._worker_added = asyncio.Event() self._logger = logging.getLogger('distex.Pool') self._reset() if not lazy_create and not self._loop.is_running(): self._loop.run_until_complete(self.create()) def _reset(self): self._tcp_server = None self._unix_server = None self._unix_path = '' self._ssh_tunnels = [] self._procs = [] self._total_workers = 0 self._workers = [] self._slots = SlotPool() self._create_called = False def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *_excinfo): self.shutdown() async def __aenter__(self): await self.create() return self async def __aexit__(self, *_excinfo): await self.shutdown_async() def __await__(self): return self.create().__await__() async def create(self): """ Coroutine to create local processors and servers and start up remote processors. """ if self._create_called: return self._create_called = True hostSpecs = [HostSpec(host) for host in self._hosts] args = [ '-f', self._func_pickle, '-d', self._data_pickle] if sys.platform == "win32": await self._start_tcp_server() args += [ '-H', self._localhost or '', '-p', self._localport, '-l', self._worker_loop] else: if not all(spec.is_ssh for spec in hostSpecs): await self._start_tcp_server() await self._start_unix_server() args += [ '-u', self._unix_path, '-l', self._worker_loop] await self._start_local_processors(args) tasks = [self._add_host(spec) for spec in hostSpecs] await asyncio.gather(*tasks) while len(self._workers) < self._total_workers: await self._worker_added.wait() await asyncio.sleep(0) # needed for lazy_create if self._initializer: tasks = [ worker.run_task( (self._initializer, self._initargs, {}, True, False)) for worker in self._workers] await asyncio.gather(*tasks) self.ready.set() return self async def _start_unix_server(self): # start server that listens on a Unix socket self._unix_path = util.get_temp_path() self._unix_server = await self._loop.create_unix_server( self._create_worker, self._unix_path)'Started serving on Unix socket %s', self._unix_path) async def _start_tcp_server(self): # start server that listens on a TCP port localhost = self._localhost or ( '' if self._hosts else '') if not self._localport: self._localport = util.get_random_port() self._tcp_server = await self._loop.create_server( self._create_worker, localhost, self._localport)'Started serving on port {self._localport}') async def _add_host(self, spec): if spec.is_ssh: await self._start_remote_processors_ssh(, spec.port, spec.num_workers) else: await self._start_remote_processors(, spec.port, spec.num_workers) async def _start_local_processors(self, args): # spawn processors that will connect to our Unix or TCP server tasks = [ self._loop.subprocess_exec( asyncio.SubprocessProtocol, 'distex_proc', *(str(arg) for arg in args), stdout=None, stderr=None) for _ in range(self._num_workers)] self._procs = await asyncio.gather(*tasks) self._total_workers += self._num_workers async def _start_remote_processors(self, host, port, num_workers): # connect to remote server and tell how much processors to spawn and # on what port they can find our TCP server _reader, writer = await asyncio.open_connection(host, port) writer.write(b'%d %d %d %d %d\n' % ( num_workers, self._localport, self._worker_loop, self._func_pickle, self._data_pickle)) await writer.drain() writer.close() self._total_workers += num_workers async def _start_remote_processors_ssh(self, host, port, num_workers): # establish a reverse SSH tunnel from remote unix socket to # the local unix socket that our Unix server is listening on port_arg = ('-p', port) if port else () remote_unix_path = util.get_temp_path() proc = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec( 'ssh', '-T', host, *port_arg, '-R', f'{remote_unix_path}:{self._unix_path}', stdin=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE) # spawn processors that will connect to the tunneled Unix server cmd = ( f'distex_proc ' f'-u {remote_unix_path} ' f'-l {self._worker_loop} ' f'-f {self._func_pickle} ' f'-d {self._data_pickle} ' f'& \n'.encode()) * num_workers proc.stdin.write(cmd) await proc.stdin.drain() self._ssh_tunnels.append(proc) self._total_workers += num_workers def _create_worker(self): serializer = ClientSerializer(self._func_pickle, self._data_pickle) worker = Worker(serializer) worker.disconnected = self._on_worker_disconnected self._workers.append(worker) self._slots.extend((worker,) * self._qsize) self._worker_added.set() self._worker_added.clear() return worker def _on_worker_disconnected(self, worker): pass def is_ready(self) -> bool: """ True if the pool is ready to process tasks, false otherwise. There is also the public ``ready`` event. """ return self.ready.is_set() def total_workers(self) -> int: """Total number of workers in the pool.""" return self._total_workers def submit(self, func, *args, **kwargs): """ Submit the task to be run in the pool and return a concurrent.futures.Future that will hold the result. This method is provided for compatibility with concurrent.futures.Executor. """ future = concurrent.futures.Future() task = self._loop.create_task(self.run_async(func, *args, **kwargs)) def on_task_done(task_): if task_.exception(): future.set_exception(task_.exception()) else: future.set_result(task_.result()) task.add_done_callback(on_task_done) return future def map( self, func, *iterables, timeout: Optional[float] = None, chunksize: int = 1, ordered: bool = True, star: bool = False): """ Map the function onto the given iterable(s) and return an iterator that yields the results. Args: func: Function to map. If it returns an awaitable then the result is awaited and returned. iterables: Sync or async iterables (in any combination) that yield the arguments for ``func``. The iterables can be unbounded (i.e. they don't need to have a length). timeout: Timeout in seconds since map is started. chunksize: Iterator is chunked up to this size. A larger chunksize can greatly improve efficiency for small tasks. ordered: * ``True``: The order of results preserves the order of the input iterables. * ``False``: The results are in order of completion. star: * ``True``: There can be only one iterable and it must yield sequences (such as tuples). The sequences are unpacked ('starred') into ``func``. * ``False``: The values that the iterators yield are supplied in-place to ``func``. .. tip:: The function ``func`` is is pickled only once and then cached. If it takes arguments that remain constant during the mapping then consider using ``functools.partial`` to bind the function with the constant arguments; Then do the mapping with the bound function and with lesser arguments. Especially when map uses large constant datasets this can be beneficial. """ run = self._loop.run_until_complete agen = self._map(func, iterables, timeout, chunksize, ordered, star) nxt = agen.__anext__ try: if chunksize == 1: while True: yield run(nxt()) else: while True: yield from run(nxt()) except StopAsyncIteration: pass async def map_async( self, func, *iterables, timeout=None, chunksize=1, ordered=True, star=False): """ Async version of ``map``. This runs with less overhead than ``map`` and can be twice as fast for small tasks. """ agen = self._map(func, iterables, timeout, chunksize, ordered, star) if chunksize == 1: async for result in agen: yield result else: async for results in agen: for r in results: yield r async def _map(self, func, iterables, timeout, chunksize, ordered, star): if not self._create_called: await self.create() await self.ready.wait() end_time = None if timeout is None else self._loop.time() + timeout tasks = deque() create_task = self._loop.create_task run_task = self._run_task input_consumed = False do_map = chunksize > 1 is_sync = all(isinstance(it, Iterable) for it in iterables) if is_sync: if len(iterables) > 1: it = zip(*iterables) star = True else: it = iterables[0].__iter__() if do_map: get_args = util.chunk(it, chunksize).__next__ else: get_args = it.__next__ else: if len(iterables) > 1: it = util.zip_async(*iterables) star = True else: it = iterables[0].__aiter__() if do_map: get_args = util.chunk_async(it, chunksize).__anext__ else: get_args = it.__anext__ try: while True: try: # schedule as many tasks as possible for _ in range(self._slots.num_free): args = get_args() if is_sync else await get_args() tasks.append( create_task( run_task((func, args, None, star, do_map)))) except (StopIteration, StopAsyncIteration): input_consumed = True if not tasks and input_consumed: # we're finished break # wait for a slot to become ready ready = self._slots.slot_ready() if timeout is not None: ready = asyncio.wait_for( ready, end_time - self._loop.time()) await ready # yield as many results as possible if ordered: while tasks and tasks[0].done(): yield tasks.popleft().result() else: for task in tasks: if task.done(): yield task.result() tasks = deque(task for task in tasks if not task.done()) except asyncio.TimeoutError: raise self.TimeoutError() async def _run_task(self, task): worker = await self._slots.get() try: success, result = await worker.run_task(task) finally: self._slots.put(worker, not worker.tasks) if success: return result raise result def run(self, func, *args, **kwargs): """ Run the function with the given arguments in the pool and wait for the result. """ return self._loop.run_until_complete( self.run_async(func, *args, **kwargs)) async def run_async(self, func, *args, **kwargs): """ Asynchronously run the function with the given arguments in the pool and return the result when it becomes available. """ if not self._create_called: await self.create() await self.ready.wait() return await self._run_task((func, args, kwargs, True, False)) def run_on_all(self, func, *args, **kwargs): """ Run the task on each worker in the pool. Return a list of all results (in order of completion) or raise an exception in case the task fails on one or more workers. Will first wait for any other pending tasks to finish and then schedule the task over all workers at the same time. This can be used for initializing, cleanup, intermittent polling, etc. """ return self._loop.run_until_complete( self.run_on_all_async(func, *args, **kwargs)) async def run_on_all_async(self, func, *args, **kwargs): """ Async version of ``run_on_all``. """ if not self._create_called: await self.create() await self.ready.wait() await self._drain() tasks = [ worker.run_task((func, args, kwargs, True, False)) for worker in self._workers] results = await asyncio.gather(*tasks) for success, result in results: if not success: raise result return [result for _, result in results] async def _drain(self): """ Let all current tasks finish. """ tasks = [self._slots.get() for _ in range(self._slots.capacity)] slots = await asyncio.gather(*tasks) for slot in slots: self._slots.put(slot) def shutdown(self, wait=True): """ Shutdown the pool and clean up resources. """ coro = self.shutdown_async(wait) if self._loop.is_running(): asyncio.ensure_future(coro) else: self._loop.run_until_complete(coro) async def shutdown_async(self, wait=True): if not self._total_workers: return if wait: await self._drain() for worker in self._workers: worker.stop() for transport, protocol in self._procs: transport.close() if self._unix_server: self._unix_server.close() with suppress(FileNotFoundError): os.unlink(self._unix_path) if self._tcp_server: self._tcp_server.close() self._reset()
class RemoteException(Exception): """ Proxy for an exception that occurs remotely while running a task. """ def __init__(self, exc, tb=None): self.exc = exc tb = tb or traceback.format_exception( type(exc), exc, exc.__traceback__) self.tb = ''.join(tb) def __str__(self): return self.tb def __reduce__(self): return RemoteException._unpickle, (self.exc, self.tb) @staticmethod def _unpickle(exc, tb): exc.__cause__ = RemoteException(None, tb) return exc class HostSpec: """Remote host specification.""" __slots__ = ('num_workers', 'is_ssh', 'host', 'port') def __init__(self, url): """ Parse the host url string. """ front, ssh, back, = url.partition('ssh://') h_p, *nw = (back if ssh else front).split('/') if not h_p: raise ValueError(f'Bad server specification: {url}') if not nw: raise ValueError(f'Specify num_workers for {url}') self.num_workers = int(nw[0]), *port = h_p.split(':') self.port = port[0] if port else '' if ssh else str(util.DEFAULT_PORT) self.is_ssh = bool(ssh)